Today, found pairings for two of my favorite articles of clothing: band t-shirts and shoes. i mean, if you need shirts and shoes to enter 99% of the buildings in America, why not have them look good together?
THE SHOES: I got these Simple shoes in 6th grade, and refuse to throw them away since they are so comfy. The holes do make walking in rainy weather a bit of a drag, though.
PAIR WITH: The Smiths t-shirt (preferably cut up), red skinny jeans (mine are from Makers of True Originals), and messy hair. Also, can we just agree that
The Queen is Dead is a much better album than
Meat is Murder? Okay, good.

THE SHOES: I found these Toms shoes in a barn that was connected to a shoes store. i guess that you could call them boots, since they are essentially a long ace bandage that is connected to regulars Tom shoes, that you wrap up your leg and to the desired length.
PAIR WITH: The Murray Street Band is the great Montreal based improvisational jazz group, and they sell really comfy American Apparel t-shirts with a woodcut print of the band on them. (My uncle Eric is the trumpet player, top center). Very preppy when paired with a collar, leggins, and messy hair.
THE SHOE: I waited almost a year for these Frye boots to go on sale (50% off, yes!) and they were still over a hundred dollars. They are such well made shoes, though, and they last forever, so it was worth it.
PAIR WITH: Bright Eyes is such a hipster band- Aubrey and I went to one of their concerts, and we counted at least 18 flannels; and i really like how the name is in negative on the shirt. H&M high-waisted pants and messy hair (detecting a pattern here?) are a must if you are going to be rocking out with the people who frown upon all things mainstream... even if hipsters have now become mainstream.