you see, every once in a while (ok, about every day) i wake up and think, "i want to dress up as something today."
my clothes are like my costume. when i wear a pleated skirt and a white collared shirt, it's not cause i'm actually a preppy person. when i wear pigtails, it's not cause i am purposely provoking Kat to murder an innocent bystander out of pure fury, it's because i feel like it.
i was inspired because i recently dyed streaks into my hair of sort of pinkish purple. now, enter stage left my punk rocker alter-ego. i call her Veronica. Okay, i just made that up on the spot. (side-note: if you are reading this, and you actually are an honest-to-goodness punk rocker, please forgive me if i offend you. i really have no idea what i'm talking about here, and the simple truth is i just wanted an excuse to wear black lipstick.)
also, there is a minor possibility i am actually in fact just dressing "goth" (the origins of which technically come from the East Germanic tribe of Scandinavian whose two branches, the Visigoths and the Ostrogoths, played an important role in the fall of the Roman Empire and the emergence of Medieval Europe.
The first recorded incursion of Goths into the Roman Empire took place in 238...but that's a story for another time.)
so anyway. meet...VERONICA! (okay, never mind, forget the name. it's awful. just awful.)
coat: Divided by H&M, shirt: DKNY, shorts: Supré, lipstick: Fantasy Makers by Wet 'n' Wild