
School Girl Irony

Our amazing reader Mandy sent us this question: "how do you wear dresses and  skirts in cold weather?" our answer: go school girl ironic. 
We don't have uniforms, but we wish we did just so we could mess them up. Wearing pleated skirts and ties is amazing only when done ironically. Also looking at this from a practical view, knee socks, tights and wool kilts ensure warmth and you being able to say: "it was all over the Tommy Hilfiger runway..."

Have a fashion question? email us at ironiccouture@gmail.com


COLOR DAY: it isn't easy bein' green (by Libby)

i have to come clean about something. i have never seen the Muppet Show.
obviously, i know what it is, because what person growing up in america doesn't know who the Muppets are? well, i didn't watch that sort of thing when i was little.
so, i guess all of you who's childhood revolved around that show are going to get off the computer now, and storm around the house and rage about why i would have the gall to even mention Kermit when i haven't seen the show. i am sincerely sorry. really.

that being said, this isn't just about Muppets. it's about green. and i know plenty about green.


Another glimpse into my wig collection. This one by Weaves New York. Shirt by Gap. For those of you who care, my green eyeshadow by Jane, eyeliner by Rimmel London, Wet 'n' Wild lipstick. I was sort of going the frog look, y'know?

my Kermit pajama pants.

GREEN: it's a very shocking color. not many people are wearing it in quantities these days. so use it carefully and powerfully. just a touch there, a tad there....keep things interesting.
or not. or wear an entire outfit of clashing shades of green. whichever. 


what to wear to a dog show (Kat)

While watching The National Dog Show on the telly, and waiting for thanksgiving dinner, we started commenting not on the dogs, but handlers were wearing. Yeah, i get that this is a dog- not fashion- show, but still, you are on TV. And you could dress to complement your dog, say, show off his white coat with black pants.
I may be a cat person, but i have some ideas:

Herding group: When i hear the word "herding" i think of sheep, so how about a nice woolly Burberry sweater?
Non-sporting group: If the dog is not very sporty, then you can go all out ridiculous glamor, like this Dolce and Gabbana dress:

 Working group: For a working dog, you want a really nice working suit, something like Yves Saint Laurent, oh, and with a $2,320.00 price tag.

YSL Classic Tuxedo Jacket in Black Worsted Barathea

Well, the Mayflower dog show is in about 80 days, lets see if anyone takes my advice.


the music never stops (Kat)

Today, found pairings for two of my favorite articles of clothing: band t-shirts and shoes. i mean, if you need shirts and shoes to enter 99% of the buildings in America, why not have them look good together?


THE SHOES: I got these Simple shoes in 6th grade, and refuse to throw them away since they are so comfy. The holes do make walking in rainy weather a bit of a drag, though.

 PAIR WITH: The Smiths t-shirt (preferably cut up), red skinny jeans (mine are from Makers of True Originals), and messy hair. Also, can we just agree that The Queen is Dead is a much better album than Meat is Murder? Okay, good.


THE SHOES: I found these Toms shoes in a barn that was connected to a shoes store. i guess that you could call them boots, since they are essentially a long ace bandage that is connected to regulars Tom shoes, that you wrap up your leg and to the desired length.

PAIR WITH: The Murray Street Band is the great Montreal based improvisational jazz group, and they sell really comfy American Apparel t-shirts with a woodcut print of the band on them. (My uncle Eric is the trumpet player, top center). Very preppy when paired with a collar, leggins, and messy hair.


THE SHOE: I waited almost a year for these Frye boots to go on sale (50% off, yes!) and they were still over a hundred dollars. They are such well made shoes, though, and they last forever, so it was worth it.

PAIR WITH: Bright Eyes is such a hipster band- Aubrey and I went to one of their concerts, and we counted at least 18 flannels; and i really like how the name is in negative on the shirt. H&M high-waisted  pants and messy hair (detecting a pattern here?) are a must if you are going to be rocking out with the people who frown upon all things mainstream... even if hipsters have now become mainstream.


Queen Anne's Lace...or not (by Libby)

I am so, so sorry this post came so late. C'est la vie.

Today I'm actually going to talk about clothes...shocker. 

I've discovered that a simple off-white lace Just Ginger dress from TJ Maxx (really, REALLY? i can't stand that store) pretty much looks good with everything. It originally came with a simple black belt, but I've decided any belt works. Also, the lace is pretty without being painfully girly, and it's easy to toughen it up with some leather or a studded belt.
Here are some of the coolest, or perhaps, weirdest (same diff) outfits.


hat: Kokin New York. vest: DKNY by Donna Karan.

vest: Not Fur Real by Duffei. scarf/belt: vintage, from Italy.

hat: Toucan. overall mini-dress: LandsEnd Kids

                                               DJ Libby in da house...
blouse: I.N.C (International Concepts). vintage belt. flat brim: I don't know, Boston? There's a "B" on it. 


dress like an era day (the 90s)

To kick of the "dress like an era day", we start with the most recent era. (feeling old?) Our nineties muse is Kate Moss (who else?). we decided this was actually a pretty cool era, and its easy to translate into our everyday wardrobe.

Kate Moss by Corinne Day in The Face 1990

Kat: H&M jeans, Kid's J-Crew tank top

Libby: Old Navy tank top, Sony headphones, Bullhead jeans.


Random Day (by Libby)

i had the greatest idea for a post today. however, i changed my mind. i had a greater idea.
that is a total lie.
i am so wicked busy i have no time to put together a post of awesomeness and fashion. so here i have put together what i am calling Random Post. oh, it cracks me up how creative i am. ha. ha.
we'll see if it ends up interesting. i'm improvising here, people.

Clara Bow circa 1920's. I want to look like her. isn't she lovely? 

Tilt your head. oh, it's so funny. This is an actual sign i saw while hiking in New Hampshire. (I'm not that outdoorsy, don't let me fool you). The picture cracks me up everytime i see it, i'm not quite sure why.

I just want to warn you. i wore a dress almost exactly like the one you are about to see to my middle school graduation. i kid you not. it was pinkish purple, shiny, frilly, mega-tacky, and fabulous beyond belief. i'll get you pictures of the actual thing soon.

If a mermaid lived in the 80's, and on land, she would wear this.

I'm sorry if this is vulgar or insulting to anyone. but it's true. so, so true. 


we are what we eat

 "Sugar and spice and everything nice"... is such a cliche, but in honor of the halloween hangover, here is what candy best describes who we are:

KAT: York peppermint patties. 1. they have sleek silver and blue packaging (best colors ever). 2. they have a thin layer of sophisticated chocolate- just go with it, okay?- with a 3. cool minty peppermint creme in the inside. it is a multi- layerd candy, just like moi. j'aime beaucoup peppermint patties.

LIBBY: nerds!!! first of all, they are amazing :) second, i am sour on the outside. no, that's a lie. but i am  sweet on the inside. that's a lie too. ok, maybe i'm a not a "nerd" but at least they taste good! here's a shout out to all you confused kids out there: Nerds Not Drugs. clear?